Zorgdrager - A Modern Elderly Healthcare

Product - Interior


Optimizing people’s comfort with a personal and modern approach.

In today’s world, we are often too occupied following our busy schedules instead of focusing on our health and personal care. At Zorgdrager, they want to help you with this. People, on average, sit more than 9 hours a day. This means that it is crucial to spend these hours in a comfortable and ergonomic way. Zorgdrager’s products contribute to this. With their focus on comfortable sitting, active sitting and mobility, they want to make sure to provide you a all-round service in all types of comfort.

With a qualitatively and tailored products and personal service, they are sure to make you spend those sitting hours in the best way possible.

The entire project focused on making something serious like elderly health care, simple and engaging through the use of the existing mascotte in the logo, colors and shapes putting the customer at the center of both digital and physical user experience, through a new website and improved delivery system.

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